Saturday, April 9, 2011

Yanks Show Desperation; Sign Carlos Silva

Word comes from Jon Heyman that the Yankees have continued collecting washed up pitchers by signing Carlos Silva who was released by the Cubs before the season started. Now it surely says something about Silva's abilities that the Cubs chose to eat $11.5 million for the 2011 season rather than carry the 9-year vet.

It also says something about how worried the Yankees are with Phil Hughes's velocity and performance that they would go out and sign a pitcher that they expressed no interest in two weeks ago.

It will be a bad sign Silva sees anytime in the majors this year. It will mean that Phil Hughes has a serious problem, Ivan Nova couldn't handle the four spot and two of the trio of veterans the Yankees have already couldn't hack it.

I don't like the the signing. It's good for depth, but it's bad if he ever sees New York. Anyway this commercial perked me up after I heard the news so enjoy.

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