Friday, March 27, 2009

Let's Play Some Games Already

As the one year anniversary of this blog approaches, I'm getting pretty antsy for baseball to start. This looks like it could be a pretty wide open season. I don't see any clear cut favorites emerging. Even those with realistic World Series aspirations have weaknesses or questions at the very least. How will A-Rod's extra curriculars affect the Yanks? Will Jon Lester match his 2008 performance with the Sox? How will the Rays respond now that the expectations are so high?

As a busy family man, I have no time for any sports but football and baseball. College hoops doesn't do it for me anymore. I haven't been into the NBA for years. It's no knock on those sports. I just only have so much room in my brain. I watched a movie with my wife and her friend instead of watching the NCAA tournament last night. (Out of fear for my safety and possible revocation of my man card, I will not disclose the title of said movie. But I will say that I enjoyed it.) Good grief, I need baseball. There's nothing better on a summer evening than plopping my posterior on the couch, cracking open a beer, and turning on the Sox. This is especially true now that I have a shiny new TV. (TV! Teacher, mother... secret lover.)


Joe said...

I think the NBA playoffs are going to be fun. This is clearly the year a LeBron and he is doing some amazing things. Kobe and D-Wade are also flexing some serious muscle. I think you should give it a shot, but wait for the second round of the playoffs when you only need to worry about 8 teams.

Dan said...

Part of my problem is that I can't keep track of when things are on. Football is on Sundays. Baseball is everyday. It's easy. Meanwhile, something amazing is happening in the NBA playoffs and I'm watching Bizzare Foods on the Travel Channel. Then I see it on Sports Center and think, why didn't I watch that?

Dennis said...

Joe is right, there is a good chance Lebron is going to do something unprecedented in this years playoffs.

Bronx Baseball Daily said...

I'm not worried about Arod's extra-curriculars, i'm more worried about his hip.